kmymoney-git | | Personal finance manager for KDE 4, Subversion Snapshot |
koha | | Koha is an integrated library system |
krename | | Powerful batch file renamer for KDE |
kronometer | | Stopwatch application by KDE |
kscreen | | KDE screen management software |
kscreenlocker | | Library and components for secure lock screen architecture |
ksshaskpass | | ssh-add helper that uses kwallet and kpassworddialog |
kstest | | Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test Statistic with High Precision |
ktjet | | C++ implementation of the K clustering algorithm |
kubeconform | | Kubernetes manifests validator |
kubectl | | Command line tool lets you control Kubernetes clusters |
kubectl-ingress-nginx | | ingress-nginx kubectl plugin |
kubectl-who-can | | Show RBAC permissions on different resources in Kubernetes |
kubectx | | Faster way to switch between clusters and namespaces in kubectl |
kubepug | | Kubernetes PreUpGrade (Checker) |
kubeval | | Validator for Kubernetes configuration files |
kuickshow | | Very fast and comfortable imageviewer (KDE4) |
kup | | KDE frontend for bup and rsync |
kustomize | | Customization of kubernetes YAML configurations |
kvirc | | QT based irc client |
kwin | | KDE Window manager |
kwrited | | Plasma5 daemon listening for wall and write messages |
kyototycoon | | Kyoto Tycoon is a lightweight database server for Kyoto Cabinet |
kyra2 | | Sprite engine |
l2tpd | | Implementation of the layer two tunneling protocol (l2tp) |
ladybird-git | | Independent web browser from scratch from SerenityOS |
lambertw | | Lambert W Function for Applications in Physics |
lander | | Lunar Lander clone |
lanq | | Quantum imperative programming language |
lasi | | C++ library for postscript stream output |
layer-shell-qt | | Qt component to allow applications to use the Wayland wl-layer-shell protocol |
lazyjj | | TUI for Jujutsu/jj |
lbt | | Converts from LTL formulas to Büchi automata |
lcalc | | Lcalc is a program for calculating with L-functions |
lcdproc | | Client/server software to print system info to small LCDs |
lci | | A LOLCODE interpreter written in C |
lcov-git | | Extension of GCOV |
ldapbrowser | | Java based LDAP browser and editor |
ldapdns | | Tiny, fast authoritative nameserver that queries LDAP |
ldc | | LLVM D Compiler |
ldc017 | | D compiler based on LLVM |
ldc120 | | LLVM D Compiler |
lde | | Curses based file system viewer/editor for Linux |
ldtp | | GNU/Linux Desktop Testing Project |
lebiniou | | User-friendly, powerful music visualization / VJing tool |
lebiniou-data | | Datafiles for Le Biniou |
leo | | Programmer's editor and a flexible browser |
leocad | | Design virtual models you can build with LEGO(R) bricks |
lfe | | Lisp flavoured erlang |
lhapdf | | Les Houches Accord PDF library and interface |
libaio | | Linux-native asynchronous I/O access library |
libalkimia | | Common finance routines for kde4 applications |
libanimal | | Imaging and computer vision library |
libArcus | | Creating a socket in a thread and using this socket to messages |
libavc1394 | | Interface for the 1394 Audio/Video Controls |
libayatana-indicator | | Ayatana Indicators Shared Library |
libbacktrace | | C library be linked into a C/C++ program for symbolic backtraces |
libbfio | | Library to provide basic file input/output abstraction |
libbgcode | | Prusa Block & Binary G-code reader/writer/converter |
libbpg | | Library for BGP (Better Portable Graphics) |
libbrahe | | Heterogeneous C library of interesting numeric functions |
libbs2b | | Bauer stereophonic-to-binaural DSP |
libbsd-solaris10 | | Adapted for Solaris-10 libbsd |
libbtctl | | GObject Bluetooth controller |
libc++ | | Low Level Virtual Machine libc++ C++ standard library |
libc++-abi | | Low Level Virtual Machine C++ standard library support |
libcdata | | Library for cross-platform C generic data functions |
libcerror | | Library for cross-platform C error functions |
libcfile | | Library for cross-platform C file functions |
libcgi | | Library for authoring cgi |
libcli | | Provides a shared library for including a Cisco-like CLI. |
libclocale | | Library for cross-platform C locale functions |
libcm | | Metacity compositor library |
libcmt | | Composable Memory Transactions Library for C |
libcnotify | | Library to support cross-platform C notification functions |
libconfini | | Yet another INI parser |
libcouchbase | | C/C++ client library to access a Couchbase server |
libcpath | | Library for cross-platform C path functions |
libcpu | | Anything-to-anything binary translation library |
libcsplit | | Library for cross-platform C split string functions |
libcthreads | | Library for cross-platform C threads functions |
libcuba | | Library for multidimensional numerical integration |
libcupsfilters | | Library for cups-filters |
libcxx | | C++ Standard Library |
libcxxabi | | C++ Standard Library |
libdbglog | | C++ library for debugging purposes and runtime logging to file |
libdbh2 | | Library to create disk based Hashtables |
libdialog | | Port of FreeBSD's console menu system |
libdisasm | | Dissassembly library for ELF x86 binarys |
libdjconsole | | DJ Console access library |
libdoom-umapinfo | | Parser for Doom UMAPINFO data |
libdrm-dfbsd | | Userspace interface to kernel DRM services |
libdrm-dfbsd-meson | | Userspace interface to kernel DRM services |
libdxfrw | | C++ library to read/write DXF and to read DWG |
libecc | | C++ elliptic curve library |
libee | | Event Expression Library inspired by CEE |
libeio | | Full-featured asynchronous I/O library for C |
libeio-cvs | | Full-featured asynchronous I/O library for C |
libepc | | Easy Publish and Consume Library |
libeps | | API for parsing RFC2822 email messages |
mk | | Subfolder |