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kmymoney-git Personal finance manager for KDE 4, Subversion Snapshot
koha Koha is an integrated library system
krename Powerful batch file renamer for KDE
kronometer Stopwatch application by KDE
kscreen KDE screen management software
kscreenlocker Library and components for secure lock screen architecture
ksshaskpass ssh-add helper that uses kwallet and kpassworddialog
kstest Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test Statistic with High Precision
ktjet C++ implementation of the K clustering algorithm
kubeconform Kubernetes manifests validator
kubectl Command line tool lets you control Kubernetes clusters
kubectl-ingress-nginx ingress-nginx kubectl plugin
kubectl-who-can Show RBAC permissions on different resources in Kubernetes
kubectx Faster way to switch between clusters and namespaces in kubectl
kubepug Kubernetes PreUpGrade (Checker)
kubeval Validator for Kubernetes configuration files
kuickshow Very fast and comfortable imageviewer (KDE4)
kup KDE frontend for bup and rsync
kustomize Customization of kubernetes YAML configurations
kvirc QT based irc client
kwin KDE Window manager
kwrited Plasma5 daemon listening for wall and write messages
kyototycoon Kyoto Tycoon is a lightweight database server for Kyoto Cabinet
kyra2 Sprite engine
l2tpd Implementation of the layer two tunneling protocol (l2tp)
ladybird-git Independent web browser from scratch from SerenityOS
lambertw Lambert W Function for Applications in Physics
lander Lunar Lander clone
lanq Quantum imperative programming language
lasi C++ library for postscript stream output
layer-shell-qt Qt component to allow applications to use the Wayland wl-layer-shell protocol
lazyjj TUI for Jujutsu/jj
lbt Converts from LTL formulas to Büchi automata
lcalc Lcalc is a program for calculating with L-functions
lcdproc Client/server software to print system info to small LCDs
lci A LOLCODE interpreter written in C
lcov-git Extension of GCOV
ldapbrowser Java based LDAP browser and editor
ldapdns Tiny, fast authoritative nameserver that queries LDAP
ldc LLVM D Compiler
ldc017 D compiler based on LLVM
ldc120 LLVM D Compiler
lde Curses based file system viewer/editor for Linux
ldtp GNU/Linux Desktop Testing Project
lebiniou User-friendly, powerful music visualization / VJing tool
lebiniou-data Datafiles for Le Biniou
leo Programmer's editor and a flexible browser
leocad Design virtual models you can build with LEGO(R) bricks
lfe Lisp flavoured erlang
lhapdf Les Houches Accord PDF library and interface
libaio Linux-native asynchronous I/O access library
libalkimia Common finance routines for kde4 applications
libanimal Imaging and computer vision library
libArcus Creating a socket in a thread and using this socket to messages
libavc1394 Interface for the 1394 Audio/Video Controls
libayatana-indicator Ayatana Indicators Shared Library
libbacktrace C library be linked into a C/C++ program for symbolic backtraces
libbfio Library to provide basic file input/output abstraction
libbgcode Prusa Block & Binary G-code reader/writer/converter
libbpg Library for BGP (Better Portable Graphics)
libbrahe Heterogeneous C library of interesting numeric functions
libbs2b Bauer stereophonic-to-binaural DSP
libbsd-solaris10 Adapted for Solaris-10 libbsd
libbtctl GObject Bluetooth controller
libc++ Low Level Virtual Machine libc++ C++ standard library
libc++-abi Low Level Virtual Machine C++ standard library support
libcdata Library for cross-platform C generic data functions
libcerror Library for cross-platform C error functions
libcfile Library for cross-platform C file functions
libcgi Library for authoring cgi
libcli Provides a shared library for including a Cisco-like CLI.
libclocale Library for cross-platform C locale functions
libcm Metacity compositor library
libcmt Composable Memory Transactions Library for C
libcnotify Library to support cross-platform C notification functions
libconfini Yet another INI parser
libcouchbase C/C++ client library to access a Couchbase server
libcpath Library for cross-platform C path functions
libcpu Anything-to-anything binary translation library
libcsplit Library for cross-platform C split string functions
libcthreads Library for cross-platform C threads functions
libcuba Library for multidimensional numerical integration
libcupsfilters Library for cups-filters
libcxx C++ Standard Library
libcxxabi C++ Standard Library
libdbglog C++ library for debugging purposes and runtime logging to file
libdbh2 Library to create disk based Hashtables
libdialog Port of FreeBSD's console menu system
libdisasm Dissassembly library for ELF x86 binarys
libdjconsole DJ Console access library
libdoom-umapinfo Parser for Doom UMAPINFO data
libdrm-dfbsd Userspace interface to kernel DRM services
libdrm-dfbsd-meson Userspace interface to kernel DRM services
libdxfrw C++ library to read/write DXF and to read DWG
libecc C++ elliptic curve library
libee Event Expression Library inspired by CEE
libeio Full-featured asynchronous I/O library for C
libeio-cvs Full-featured asynchronous I/O library for C
libepc Easy Publish and Consume Library
libeps API for parsing RFC2822 email messages
mk Subfolder